If none of the other methods mentioned above have worked for you, then give this a try. Spot Healing BrushĮven though I'm not a huge fan of this technique, many retouchers use the brush tool to paint directly onto their images to remove unwanted objects. The downside of this very manual tool is that it can take much longer to achieve the desired effect, but if accuracy is what you are after, then the time and effort required are worth it. If you want complete control when it comes to Photoshopping something out, then the Clone Stamp is the tool for you. Just like the Patch tool, you specify the area of the image which you want Photoshop to reference from. Clone Stamp Toolīy far the oldest tool in this list, the Clone Stamp tool is still a useful way to edit unwanted things out of your photographs. After a few goes, I managed to get something that I think looks rather convincing. The trick in this instance was to try and line all the brickwork up. In the photograph of a brick wall above by Jonathan Aman, I removed the dripping pipe in the lower right-hand corner of the frame very easily by first selecting the pipe and then moving this selection with the Patch tool.
Drag your selection to a 'clean' patch of your image